Sun, 12:38: Weather is having mood swings. 63 degrees and windy in KC. Tomorrow it will be 39. Sun, 17:29: 70 degrees this afternoon. Car washed. Sitting on the porch listening to the wind chimes toll. Winter returns tomorrow. Sun, 23:27: Look out… here comes Monday…. Mon, 09:19: Monday again? How did that happen?

Fri, 19:26: #FF writers to read: @daytonward @Cadigan @scottedelman @eugiefoster @ArdwelWriter @scalzi @MH_Bonham @klingonguy @petrini1 Fri, 19:27: #FF bloggers to read: @fireflylive @KansasTravel Fri, 23:39: After watching two chick flicks back to back this evening, it’s time for a little “Con Air”. Put the bunneh back in the box!