A Walk In The Snow, 2.5″x3.5″, watercolor on 90# Bienfang Last week in watercolor class, my tutor taught me to paint wet-in-wet trees on the horizon, and small figures. This is a practice piece using those techniques.
Sitting Pretty Purple, 2.5″x3.5″, Watercolor on Canson 90# Another mini-painting on the Sitting Pretty theme. Limited pallette, using quinacrodone rose, ultramarine blue, and viridian. Quin rose and ultramarine mix a beautiful purple that granulates. The eyes are hansa yellow. The gray is mixed from ultramarine and burnt umber.
Sitting Pretty Green & Sitting Pretty Orange (2.5×3.5) Watercolor on 90# Canson More small paintings. These are color studies for a larger painting. Both have Paynes gray underpainting. The underpainting on the orange dragon seemed terribly dark when I started, but I think it turned out okay.
Party Lizard (top) and Party Dragon (bottom), 12/30/2006, 2.5″ x 3.5″ (ACEO), watercolor on 90# Canson These two party boys are helping me with an experiment in shading. On top, I used multiple glazes of a single color (sap green) to simulate shadows. On the bottom, I used an underpainting of diox purple to create shadows under the sap green. Notes for later: I think I prefer the richer darks the…
Pear 12/27/20062.5″ x 3.5″ (ACEO), watercolor on 90# Canson. For Christmas, my sister sent me a box of pears from Harry & David. They were so beautiful, I needed to paint one.