Wed, 07:54: Spring finally arrived in KC this morning… with a vengeance. Achoo! (sniffle sniffle)

Wed, 07:54: Spring finally arrived in KC this morning… with a vengeance. Achoo! (sniffle sniffle)
Sun, 09:13: RT @DavidBrin1: As our devices and connections grow more powerful, one limited resource becomes increasingly precious… human attention.
As some of you know, I’ve had an ETSY shop since 2007. Although for me it’s a hobby site, rather than a true business, my ETSY shop provides a venue to show my art, share links and widgets to showcase art on Facebook and my websites, and, most importantly, an e-commerce platform to sell my art worldwide. However, there have been major changes at ETSY, and most likely there are more to come.ETSY’s focus is…
Wed, 17:35: RT @daytonward: Dr. Seuss was born on this day. He is the reason we all talk this way.
Wed, 14:13: With all that’s happening in the world today, Lindsey Lohan is the lead story on HLN?!? That’s EXACTLY what’s wrong with our society. Thu, 12:01: Just half-heard a TV ad offering “afterlife services”. My brain immediately went to the waiting room in “Beetlejuice”…