Tue, 14:18: RT @neiltyson: Today, the biggest challenge to space exploration is funding, not engineering. Odd, because fifty years ago this was reversed Tue, 22:19: RT @DavidBrin1: Most tax breaks go to those who need them least.

Tue, 14:18: RT @neiltyson: Today, the biggest challenge to space exploration is funding, not engineering. Odd, because fifty years ago this was reversed Tue, 22:19: RT @DavidBrin1: Most tax breaks go to those who need them least.
Wed, 21:36: Health insurance companies are heartless money-grubbing bastages. You know it’s true.
Fri, 13:06: #FF Follow @conquestkc on Twitter for news about ConQuesT 42 – Memorial Day Weekend – Kansas City MO http://ow.ly/4OXon Fri, 19:23: Thor in 3D starting in 3…2…1…
Wed, 18:38: May the Fourth be with you! Wishing you all a very rebellious Star Wars Day!
Sun, 19:30: Oh, Brad! Bradley Denton! Your biggest fan will be at ConQuesT in Kansas City on Memorial Day weekend! http:/www.conquestkc.org