The Art Critics

The Art Critics
Here’s my schedule for ConQuesT, which will be held Memorial Day Weekend (May 23-25, 2014) at the Kansas City Marriott Downtown. Friday May 23 4 pm The Business of Art There is more than one way to make a living pursuing a career of art. This panel will explore ways to use social media, conventions, festivals, and networks to sell your artwork. We will also discuss the pitfalls of beginning artists. [They call us “starving…
One year ago today my husband Mike and I were in England, enjoying a lovely day on the Salisbury Plain. We toured Stonehenge and Avebury, and finished our day in Bath with a quick tour of the Cathedral right before they closed for the evening. The day was gorgeous with a clear blue sky. At Stonehenge, we followed the approved path that kept us at a distance from the ancient stones. At Avebury, there were…
Last week, I decided it was long past time to get professionally printed business cards. You know what they say: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. I’ve printed my own cards for years, but I’ve never been happy with the quality of inkjet on perforated Avery 10-per-sheet card blanks. Instead of a traditional size business card, I ordered Moo mini-cards. They’re about half the size of a standard business card…