I hath tweeted…

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  • 08:34 Cat is making pawing motions over my breakfast, as if to cover it up. Commentary about my choice of breakfast food? #
  • 18:24 Sweetie asked if I wanted to spend the evening shopping for stuff he needs to change his oil. I said “hmmmumm, no.” Gonna go paint now. #
  • 18:25 My TwitterGadget stutters. I find that annoying. #
  • 20:05 Crap! The cat stole my kneaded eraser… I lose more erasers that way! And pencils, due to the “gravity tests” Mischief conducts… #
  • 21:10 There’s just something vaguely creepy about an ice cream truck trawling the neighborhood at 9 p.m…. #


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