I’m suddenly getting Facebook friends requests from people I went to high school with who were not only NOT my friends, they either picked on me constantly or ignored me completely. (In high school I was the skinny geeky fangirl book worm who wrote for the school newspaper. These days I’m pretty much the same, only I’m definitely not skinny and I’m writing for my corporate masters and the Internet.) I’m conflicted about accepting these…

Great. Not only did the new year bring a renewed surge of spam, but I’m getting spam from the future. I kid you not. It’s as if the spammer post-dated his drivel for the week, sent it all last Friday, and took the rest of the week off.

I tagged along on my sweetie’s holiday trip to visit his kids in Virginia Beach, Va., and his father in North Carolina. It was, all in all, a good week, but tiring. We stayed at guest quarters at Oceana Naval Air Station, which as clean and comfortable, and equipped with a fridge and wifi. Yay! We did a lot of running around with the kids, and since we were borrowing his daughter’s car for the…

I’m back in KC and draped in cats …. furry little leeches, they are, and they really really missed their peoples. A big thanks to dragonet2 for looking after them while I was away, and for letting me know what Saturday’s storm did to my back fence. (No worries. It was only held up by wishes and a small piece of nylon rope. The only thing keeping the last bit of it up at the moment…