My Little Birdie Said... Detail of Art by Allison Stein 2020

Thu, 15:28: My friend Chris’ novel got pirated. Let’s share some love and buy a legitimate copy from Hadley Rille: Transcendence Thu, 16:25: ZOMBIES IN OZ: Love Song of J. Alfred Zombie by Robin Wayne Bailey; Thu, 17:35: #FF Yard Dog Press writers you should get to know: @tracysmorris, @daytonward, @reudaly, @MH_Bonham Thu, 20:23: Just another geeky Friday night: sushi for dinner, shopping for computer bits, and a DVR’d episode of Stargate…

Today I had the most amazing opportunity to attend the Rally For Sanity on the National Mall in Washington DC. I don’t know how many people were there, but it was elbow to elbow from the stage at the Capitol end of the Mall to the Washington Monument at the opposite end, with people filling the steps of museum buildings along either side, and the streets radiating outward. There were even people in the trees…

Still breathin’… not walking very daintily at the moment, but definitely still breathing. (With a little care and an extra daily dose of anti-inflammatories, my tendons will calm down fairly soon.) I haven’t forgotten ya’ll. I still lurk and read your posts. I’ve just been spending more time on Facebook with a fairly tightly controlled friends list. I’ve also been using the old pen-and-paper method of journaling. (Some things never really go out of style.)…