Sun, 18:27: Microsoft FINALLY updated the drivers for my beloved Trackball Explorer. This makes me very, VERY happy. Sun, 18:27: RT @neiltyson: StarTalk Tweet of Week: lf UFO beams you up, steal an ashtray when Alien’s not looking. Bring that to lab, not your testimony
Category: Brain Food
Sun, 23:23: RT @neiltyson: In life, we should all age gracefully, like a fine wine, developing complexities with time.
Mon, 19:20: RT @relizer: “Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy.” Wayne … Mon, 19:52: No love for Dick’s Sporting Goods at Ward Parkway KCMO. 8 workers on the floor, none have “customer service” in their job description. Mon, 19:53: RT @thegreatlukeski: So 1,000+ plus birds fall out of the sky dead in Arkansas, and nobody knows why. They’d know why if…