Sun, 09:13: RT @DavidBrin1: As our devices and connections grow more powerful, one limited resource becomes increasingly precious… human attention.
Category: Brain Food
Wed, 17:35: RT @daytonward: Dr. Seuss was born on this day. He is the reason we all talk this way.
Wed, 14:13: With all that’s happening in the world today, Lindsey Lohan is the lead story on HLN?!? That’s EXACTLY what’s wrong with our society. Thu, 12:01: Just half-heard a TV ad offering “afterlife services”. My brain immediately went to the waiting room in “Beetlejuice”…
Tue, 22:22: OMG. It must be sweeps month. The local news tells me my makeup can kill me.
Sun, 18:43: RT @neiltyson: Gotta love the timing of Air Force flyovers at game start. When you can reach Mach-2, no matter where you go, there you are.