I was honored to be featured last week on Talking With Teri, a blog written by Teri Ehresman, current president of the National Federation of Press Women. I’ve been involved with NFPW for over 25 years, during which I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know some fascinating women communicators from all over the country. (Hi, Cathy! And you, too, Cynthia! And so many more I can’t possibly list them all here.) Pop on over the…
Fri, 16:05: RT @NFPW: Healthiest meal I’ve ever had at a conference. #nfpw75 http://t.co/NZQRc6EY Fri, 16:13: RT @ladyvck: #ff I should be at @FenCon with @reudaly @FinnsWake @melaniemf @bevhale @CandaceHavens @GloriaOliver @stevewedel and a ton … Fri, 23:06: So much bling! So much talent in this room! Communicator of Achievement Banquet. #nfpw75
Thu, 12:38: National Federation of Press Women annual conference! #nfpw75 Fri, 10:37: Starting the day with a giggle at #nfpw75
Fri, 13:30: Listening to Matt Waite of PolitiFact speak about Pants On Fire at #NFPW2011 Good Stuff! Fri, 13:44: RT @AllisonStein: Listening to @MattWaite of PolitiFact speak about Pants On Fire at #NFPW2011 Good Stuff! Sat, 10:23: Great social media panel discussion this morning at #NFPW2011