Tag: dragon

Another Cliff-Dwelling Dragon, 15″ x 19″ watercolor on Canson 140# This is the largest painting I’ve done so far. The background when in quickly and easily, but I labored on the dragon a bit too much. As it stands, this will be my centerpiece in my ConQuesT art show display in late May. He might become a print, as well.

A Dragon In Need Of A Name, 11″ x 15″ watercolor on Strathmore #140. I’m really happy with the way this one turned out. I think I will make prints of him. I took great care in developing his shadows, his eyes, and the cliff.

Belly Flop, 9″x12″ watercolor on 140# Arches I kinda like this little guy. I might make prints of him. I was afraid I had overworked him, but I think he can be saved. I had used that shade of yellow that doesn’t scan well, so I went back with cadmium yellow and cadmium orange. Also, I lifted off some of the blue to brighten his eyes. I still need to give his smile more definition…