I’ve always considered myself a goth. Have been for the past 20-odd years or so. Sure, that stint in Corporate America toned down my look, but hey, they make conservative business suits in black. And khakis, too. Thank goodness those anal retentive dress code days are over. I’m in love with my comfy drawstring pants, my buy-em-at-Walmart summer rayon dresses, and my tank-and-cardigan sets from Target. Occasionally I even add some color to my wardrobe. This season, it’s electric blues and blood reds.
So just for grins, I took the “What Goth Are You” test online. They tell me I’m a Goth. Just plain Goth. No pretensions there. No fur. No glitter. No velvet and lace. Just plain Goth with black
clothes and an attitude. Next question: Does that make me an elder goth goddess, or a fossil goth?
Stil Goth after all these years…

May 21, 2003 at 9:56amI hope you don’t get any goth demerits for going off the dress code. đŸ™‚ (Great photos!)