ConQuesT, Kansas City’s longest-running science fiction and fantasy convention, will be held Memorial Day Weekend (May 27-29, 2011) at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo. Register online by May 15. Reserve hotel online by May 13. Get info on rates, reservations, guests, activities, and more at Posted via
Tue, 19:16: Rain, rain! Go away! Come again some other day… Like the middle of July when it’s hot and the grass is dying!
Fri, 10:47: Spring is broken and the parts must be on back-order….will we ever get rid of the cold and damp weather?
Tue, 22:00: Yay! Bradley Denton’s Buddy Holly is Alive and Well is gonna be a movie! He’s one of ConQuesT’s favorite guests.
Wed, 22:09: RT @neiltyson: For some people, space is irrelevant. But when the asteroid comes, I bet they’ll think differently.