Art Demo at ConQuesT 2014

Science fiction convention art shows can be a little confusing if you’ve never experienced one. It’s not an art fair, where artists set up a booth for the weekend. It’s not a gallery, where art is hung on big white walls with little title cards. It’s more like a cross between a silent auction and a pop-up store in the mall during the holidays. I’ve participated in the ConQuesT art show annually for the past…

Words. Photo by Allison Stein 2014

I saw some cute little word stamps in a catalog, but I couldn’t bring myself to actually pay that much plus shipping to get them. So I made my own using inexpensive wooden alpha stamps from the craft store and a couple dabs of glue. My intention was to use them in my art journal, but I’ve also made some to use as a checklist in my daily notebook.

I Should Have Stayed In Oz. Yard Dog Press

If you’re looking for something fun to read, give Yard Dog Press a look. They’ve been kind enough to include my short fiction in several anthologies and my art on several book covers. They recently started offering their back list in e-book format through Amazon. Many of the authors included in these anthologies also have books of their own available through Yard Dog Press. The following anthologies include one of my short stories: A Bubba…