Mike and I fetched my new chair from the Mart-opolis On The Prairie this morning, with many thanks and a tank of gas to the friend who loaned us her SUV for the task. The chair is now installed, and the cats are, let’s say, “intrigued”. They’ve sniffed it. They’ve shinnied under it. They’ve stretched out upon it. They’ve tentatively inserted their claws into it, and been swatted, shooed, and sprayed with canned air for their effort. I’ve invested another tidy sum in anti-scratch sticky strips for the back of the chair, catnip spray to make their scratching post and mousey toys more desirable, and a new doorknob-hanging scratching thingie made of carpet, rope, and feathers. I also bought the girly-girl a pack of rawhide sticks in hopes that she’ll find them at least as amusing as my pencils. It’s good to have a chair!
It’s here! And the cats are intrigued….

January 29, 2007 at 1:27amgood job
So did they figure out how to open the studio door yet? I’m NOT putting it past them.
Glad you have a new chair, that old one was so… special.
January 29, 2007 at 2:11amRe: good job
Actually, Mischief and Mayhem haven’t tried the door trick again since I posted that tale. Currently, he’s spending more time abusing the humifier, since he can do that without his sister’s help. (And “special” is too kind a word for the old chair.)
December 31, 2007 at 6:30amGlad
You found a substitute fuzzy. otherwise one girlie or another would have been disappointed.
Glad you found a replacement.
I just figured out today that the kids are working out on the shower curtain in the downstairs bathroom… so far low enough that it may not matter if someone took a shower, but i suspect it won’t be together too much longer. I can’t punish them for actions I don’t catch them in the act of, it’s not in a cat nature…
Then again Sieg just went rushing down the stairs after a tp roll…. to kill it and maim it as far as I can tell. Kitties and their toys.