Holiday Amusements…

So, when the cat climbs the Christmas tree, what does my family do? We take advantage of the photo opp until the cat is so thoroughly embarrassed by her predicament that she pleads for extraction.

Alas, we must now retire the old tree. Last year, she was a mere kitten and nested comfortably on that spot. But at 12 pounds, she has broken the hinge on those branches. Next year — new tree!

BTW, the Ssscat automated cat repellent works extremely well, but Mischief is smarter than a can of compressed air. She avoided triggering the spray’s motion detector by taking the high route over the couch and launching herself into the tree from atop a box.


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One thought on “Holiday Amusements…

  1. mckitterick

    December 26, 2007 at 7:32pm

    OMG! That cat-in-the-tree photo needs to be your Christmas card for next year.


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  2. kalimeg

    December 26, 2007 at 8:06pm

    It really is a good picture, but wouldn’t it be a hoot to put a couple of the cans of compressed air up in the tree where she is likely to nest? Sorry, I am obviously one of those pet sadists.

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  3. bevhale

    December 26, 2007 at 9:42pm

    The pictures are so cute. You need to add an LOL caption to the second picture. And, yes, it does need to b e your christmas card for next year.

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    • Author


      December 26, 2007 at 11:13pm

      Thanks. I’ve got a couple other shots involving less dignity that are begging for a “IM IN YUR TREE…” caption of some sort…

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  4. robinbailey

    December 26, 2007 at 10:22pm

    Ron got a laser pointer to use as a cat toy. The red dot drives his kitten – not so much of a kitten now! – crazy. So for Christmas, his cat got my cat, Topper, a laser. Diana and I assembled it last night and ran it along the floor and up the couches. Topper just looked at it and then gave us that “fuck off, humans,” look.

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    • Author


      December 26, 2007 at 11:08pm

      Mayhem has the same attitude about the laser point. Mischief, however, understands the connection between the red dot and the “dot summoning device”. She often demands that we use it upon her command.

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    • mckitterick

      December 27, 2007 at 8:37am

      See, you just need to give rher good enough reason to be a silly thing. Cats _want)_ to chaset things, and if you believe it as much as they do, you’re golden!

      PS: Can you tell that peopel were byying me Scoth-somethings tonight? Whew, ti’s beeen a long time since people got me all tispy – since ConQuexT, I thiunk,!


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      • Author


        December 27, 2007 at 5:43pm

        Oh yes. You’re definitely guilty of CWI (Commenting While Impaired). I’ll just issue a warning this time, but next time I’ll have to haul you in to see the judge. 😉

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        • mckitterick

          December 27, 2007 at 6:22pm


          Interesting – I can edit this comment but not the one that I should edit!

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  5. Anonymous

    January 25, 2008 at 7:52pm

    Allison, hope you are feeling better – Warm weather will come and then we will be too hot.
    Auntie Lee

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