Have I mentioned lately that I HATE cold weather? We’ve been below freezing for most of the past month. My driveway is still covered with ice from the storm we had four weeks ago, covered by snow we got three weeks ago, and topped off by snow we got last week. Tomorrow the temperature should get into the mid-40s, but it’s just a tease. The cold will continue for the next 10 days at least, with more snow expected next week. Enough already!
Cold and grumpy….

February 5, 2007 at 7:40pm*shares your pain*
At least you’re not Cold, Grumpy and Stuck with wild heathen Truck Gene Boys for the day because they closed the school.
I’d object more if the sun weren’t shining and there was more than a quarter inch of unmelted snow on the ground.
*sigh* *goes off to shoot Spongebob*
February 6, 2007 at 11:48pmHeh. After 70 or 80 inches of snow (so far, with the actual snowy part of winter still coming up), I can’t really say I feel your pain. đŸ˜›