If you find cat hair in my paintings, there’s a reason…Originally uploaded by AllisonStein I attempted to paint today. I have a large, fabulous desk. I have the paints, the brushes, the tools. I even have some inspiration and inclination. But I also have a furry assistant who refused to get out of the way. If you find cat hair in my paintings, consider it to be her personal contribution to a mixed media work…

Mischief clearly doesn’t want me to paint today…. Originally uploaded by AllisonStein I attempted to paint today. I have a large, fabulous desk. I have the paints, the brushes, the tools. I even have some inspiration and inclination. But I also have a furry assistant who refused to get out of the way. If you find cat hair in my paintings, consider it to be her personal contribution of a mixed media work of art.

Orange Cat ACEO. Watercolor by Allison Stein 2009

Still looking for a gift for that crazy cat lady on your list? How about Mom or Grandma or your dear old auntie? Check out my Etsy shop for an assortment art featuring of cats and cute critters. Many of them are very affordable small originals for $15 or less plus shipping. Some are matted and ready to frame. If the one you like isn’t, just ask. For my LJ friends, I’ll add a mat…

My Little Birdie Said... Detail of Art by Allison Stein 2020

Tweet Tweet 10:54 Star Wars in Concert in KC was fabulous last night – totally over-the-top multimedia experience. Great music, good seats, good time. # 13:11 Are Twitter and Facebook having a spat? My tweets don’t appear to be cross-posting anymore …what’s up with that? # 14:01 @fireflylive Thanks. Seems like every time FB changes something, everything else breaks. #