Tweet Tweet 07:37 I finally found my basket of spring/summer clothes. They’ve been hiding under the cat all winter. # 19:51 Aye, matey! There be pirates on TCM tonight — The Black Swan. Pirates and politics and Maureen O’Hara, oh my! #

Tweet Tweet 07:37 I finally found my basket of spring/summer clothes. They’ve been hiding under the cat all winter. # 19:51 Aye, matey! There be pirates on TCM tonight — The Black Swan. Pirates and politics and Maureen O’Hara, oh my! #
Tweet Tweet 07:29 Awoke to a wierdly orange sky this morning, following by thunderstorm with pea-size hail. Yep. It’s spring in Kansas City! # 11:58 Working at home, juggling 2 cats who want to share space with the laptop. Note to cats: Sitting on the mouse does not get you a bellyrub. # 21:28 Just wondering… has anyone yet made a tolerable media version of a Lovecraft novel? # 22:42 You know, the Carol Burnett…
Tweet Tweet 19:35 Hark! What’s that I hear? Could be the first lawnmower of Spring? Yep. (Sigh.) #
Tweet Tweet 10:02 First severe storm of spring here, and people are freaking out. Um, people, we’re in KANSAS! This is what happens here. #
Tweet Tweet 08:42 I so hope Mother Nature isn’t playing an April Fools joke on us. It’s gorgeous out there today! # 13:57 Behold, the sound of stunned… 1 painting placed 2nd in category in the Sprint art show, and may have buyer for 1 or both of the other 2 #