Any box will do… Originally uploaded by AllisonStein Cats. Go fig.

Any box will do… Originally uploaded by AllisonStein Cats. Go fig.
Tweet Tweet 18:48 Enjoying a beautiful spring evening on the porch with the cats, a good book, and a glass of pinot noir. # 21:18 Arrrrgh! The cats just brought in a snake! OK it was a little one, but it was IN MY HOUSE! #
He’s a little bugger, seen next to the can I scooped him up in, but I swear he’s smiling. Originally uploaded by AllisonStein I found this little guy in my living room, all coiled up with his belly exposed. On first glance, I thought he was just another cat toy… until I realized that he just wasn’t furry enough….. so after a few OMG!s and WTF!s and and EEW! EEW! EEW!, I scooped him up…
Tweet Tweet 12:53 Is wondering if the cats will like the new scratching post she just got them… # 17:12 I’ve been all over town today, I bought stuff. #
Tweet Tweet 10:06 Tweetdeck keeps crashing on my iphone. Why? # 21:24 Mayhem has assumed the position. (Cat sleeping on my arm…I’m typing one-handed….) #