Ever get the feeling you’re being watched while you work? Originally uploaded by AllisonStein I don’t know which is more disconcerting — Mischief staring at me while I’m trying to concentrate, or waking up to find Mischief staring at me while I sleep.
Author: allisonstein
Up too early, but enjoying a cool wet morning sitting on the porch with the cats, drinking coffee and listening to the rain and the 7AM chimes — my grandfather clock, the two sets of church bells down the street, and my over-sized windchimes here on the porch. Came to the realization yesterday that of the two contract gigs I had to choose from last December, I picked the right one. Just sayin’.
Tweet Tweet 20:39 Mischief was playing with another snake last night… in the basement. caaaaat! #
Tweet Tweet 13:11 Surprised to find the earring I lost 2 weeks ago…taped to the inside of the ladies room door. How often DO they clean around here? # 17:37 Ah, the sweet smell of spring…Achoo! # 21:47 Pollen count in KC is 10x normal – bit.ly/9mi01w – that explains so much. I’m sneezy AND my joints are inflamed. Ow. #
Tweet Tweet 19:05 Is wondering if the cats need their own youtube channel… #