Tweet Tweet 22:22 Mayhem the Mighty Hunter just brought a live mouse into the house. Chaos ensued. Angry, drool-covered mouse escaped. Mayhem not amused. #

Tweet Tweet 22:22 Mayhem the Mighty Hunter just brought a live mouse into the house. Chaos ensued. Angry, drool-covered mouse escaped. Mayhem not amused. #
Tweet Tweet 12:01 It’s Earth Day. Here in Kansas, Mother Nature is feeling all thunder-boomy. She’s using her clue stick, methinks. # 21:56 Loving @fireflylive ‘s turn of phrase: “flying monkey muffin” – much more refined than using a rat’s posterior as a measure of concern. #
I thoroughly enjoyed the premier episode of the new Doctor Who on BBCA last weekend, and looking forward to the remainder of the season. And oh, BTW, Life on Mars fans — BBCA says they’re going to run Season 2 of “Ashes to Ashes”. I’ll believe it when I see it.
Tweet Tweet 19:25 Still no lawn fairies…. Sigh. Maybe tomorrow…. # 20:04 So, what’s up with this multi-year Camden High reunion? #
Tweet Tweet 16:04 Didn’t get to see the space shuttle flyover yesterday, but did get our official docs to see the next one launch! # 20:31 I was hoping to be able to say “The lawn fairies came! The lawn fairies came!”, but alas it was not to be. Maybe tomorrow. #