Tweet Tweet 10:44 Why did the 2 Canadian geese cross the road? To bring all 6 lanes of morning traffic on Metcalf Ave to a screaming halt. #

Tweet Tweet 10:44 Why did the 2 Canadian geese cross the road? To bring all 6 lanes of morning traffic on Metcalf Ave to a screaming halt. #
Tweet Tweet 17:56 OK… April showers I understand, but does it have to be so cold? #
Tweet Tweet 11:53 Suffering from TMJ – Too Much Junk. Now, where DID I put that thing I’m looking for? It’s here — somewhere. # 19:05 At the Music Hall, waiting for Trans-Siberian Orchestra to take the stage. This hall is gonna rock! # 23:17 Trans-Siberian Orchestra totally rocked the Kansas City Music Hall tonight. Great show! #
Tweet Tweet 18:47 Oh, refrigerators! Why are you so tall and wide, when our space to put you is so short and narrow? #
begging-owl-fullOriginally uploaded by AllisonStein I posted this cute little guy on Etsy this evening, and he sold within mere hours. Owls are incredibly popular. I have no idea why. But I’m not above following a trend when it presents an opportunity for Teh Cute. This was painted using Daniel Smith watercolors on Arches 140# cold press. I especially like the raw umber violet — the brownish purple color used on the wings.