Tweet Tweet 09:18 Definitely a triple-expresso kind of morning… # 21:34 Cats. And paste. Nuff said? #

Tweet Tweet 09:18 Definitely a triple-expresso kind of morning… # 21:34 Cats. And paste. Nuff said? #
Tweet Tweet 09:24 May the 4th be with you. đŸ˜‰ # 20:18 My Thuban just arrived — 6 cores of AMD luvin’ goodness. The 8 GB of RAM ain’t bad either. #
How can you tell a fan from a fanboy? A fan says “May the Fourth be with you.” A fanboy says “It’s Star Wars Day! It’s Star Wars Day!” Which one are you?
Tweet Tweet 08:34 Cat is making pawing motions over my breakfast, as if to cover it up. Commentary about my choice of breakfast food? # 18:24 Sweetie asked if I wanted to spend the evening shopping for stuff he needs to change his oil. I said “hmmmumm, no.” Gonna go paint now. # 18:25 My TwitterGadget stutters. I find that annoying. # 20:05 Crap! The cat stole my kneaded eraser… I lose more erasers that…
Tweet Tweet 13:21 It’s a beautiful day. Why am I inside? #