Mischief and Mayhem managed Originally uploaded by AllisonStein How do I keep my hands free to type when I’m working from home and I have two demanding lap cats? One window and two baskets are amazingly effective.

Mischief and Mayhem managed Originally uploaded by AllisonStein How do I keep my hands free to type when I’m working from home and I have two demanding lap cats? One window and two baskets are amazingly effective.
Tweet Tweet 11:41 Not lovin my #iPhone os4 update. Gmail not syncing, battery sucked dry while the system “churns”. I can haz fix now, please? # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Tweet Tweet 12:30 Riding out a big honkin’ storm inside Gates BBQ. Could be worse. Food is good. # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Tweet Tweet 00:29 “Stonehenge Apocalypse”… I think SyFy has reached a new low…. # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter
Tweet Tweet 16:58 Stuck in an elevator … At least it’s one with a view. # 17:42 Still waiting for the elevator company to get here…. # 18:25 Free at last, free at last! The elevator guy finally arrived and jiggled it loose by jumping on it from above. # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter