Sun, 21:38: RT @ZachIsHere: A good man and good coach imparted this on me long ago. “You are never as good as you think you are or as bad as you thi … Sun, 21:44: I have a laser-guided paper slicer, and I’m not afraid to use it.
Author: allisonstein
Sat, 14:34: Dear North Pole: Please take back your freezing cold winds and spitting snow. We don’t want it here in KCMO.
Fri, 15:01: The once-lovely red, gold and orange leaves are now dry, dull and brown — and smushed into big brown bags by the curb. I’m tired.
Wed, 23:28: RT @neiltyson: If someone does you a favor, returning it closes off goodness from the cosmos. Passing it forward compels the world to thrive
Tue, 19:30: Zombie-lover on your gift list? Try “A Bubba In Time Saves None” Yard Dog Press. Good stories here, including mine!