I’ve been doing an art journal workshop, which specified oil pastels in the materials list. The object is to add color while also providing a water-resistant quality in the work. I’m not a fan of oil pastels. I find them greasy and unappealing. I bought a set of Cray-Pas a couple of years ago at Cargo Largo, but I’ve hardly used them. They are just not “my thing”. Being open to new experiences, I dug…
Author: allisonstein
Tue, 21:06: No phone, no cable, no Internet, not a single luxury! It’s as primitive as can be! Thanks, Surewest! When ya gonna fix my Internet?!?
I signed up for the Strathmore Visual Journal workshop series. I was intrigued by the idea of working with new media (collage) in a new format (bound journal). I’m getting a late start because I packed up my office/studio over the holidays so I could remove the carpet. I’m still unpacking, but I’m itching to get caught up on this workshop. Today I watched the first 3 of the 4 lesson videos in Workshop 1,…
Sun, 23:23: RT @neiltyson: In life, we should all age gracefully, like a fine wine, developing complexities with time.
Snow, Jan. 10, 2011 Originally uploaded by AllisonStein Most of you know that I hate snow. Not just a little hate, but a big hate that can only come from being raised in the South where snow is a happy luxury that comes only once every 7 years or so and then relocating to the Midwest where it’s entirely possible for snow to arrive November and stick around until April (as it did last year).…