Took the test. I’m a sphinx. And I really puzzling and cryptic? I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by !
Category: Uncategorized
Stupid Quiz… You are the Hermit card. The Hermit has chosen asolitary spiritual path. He shines light on hisinner self and, by this means, gains wisdom.The Hermit’s home is the natural world and itis by being in tune with that world that helearns the laws of nature and learn how theyoperate within himself. His path is a lonelyone as he lives in silence and has forcompanionship only his own internal rhythms.But those crossing his path…
These chicks are a hoot. And they get around, too! SpiritRover and Opportunitygrrl
“There just isn’t enough craziness in the world. Murderous insanity, yes. But not good-natured craziness.” — Robin Wayne Bailey, fantasy author. In happier times, when everyone’s health was better, friends of mine would gather once or twice a year on the corner of 38th Terrace and Southwest Trafficway in Kansas City to blow soap bubbles. (Photos) The recipe is simple: warm weather, twilight, Lawrence Welk music, three or four gallons of bubble soap, and all…
It’s not groundhog day yet, but I thought I’d crawl out from under my rock for a bit. I see my shadow. Is that a good sign, or a bad one? I forget. Not much new to speak of since my last post. My honey is home from the war. My headaches are finally under control. My sinuses are not, and I’m on my fifth round of antibiotics since September. I mostly survived both holiday…