Back from ConQuesT, exhausted and relieved. I spent Thursday night at the emergency room rather help with the artshow setup, only to be patted on the head and given a clear liquid diet and orders to see my GP after the holiday. All of which did NOTHING for my shakes and skyrocketing blood pressure. Grrr. I survived Friday by taking lots of naps and drinking Gatorade, but was still shaking like a leaf through midday…

It’s time for ConQuesT! I’ll be scurrying about, co-running the art show, doing panels, and stuff. I’m starting the weekend off on the wrong foot — not feeling especially well at the moment. (Keeping my fingers crossed that my gallbladder isn’t sending me warning signals…)

We lost another good person this week. Vince Koehler made an impression on all who knew him. He gave so much to others in his lifetime. He will be missed. Condolences to his wife and family, who are also good peoples, and who have been through much on this rocky road.

Just returned, belatedly, from a trip to North Carolina and Virgina. I attended my baby sister’s college graduation. I drove the Blue Ridge Parkway at a leisurely pace. I was disconnected from cell phone service for 24 hours and enjoyed it. I shopped for art supplies and spent too much money (but lookit all the purty colors….). I observed rescued raptors at the Carolina Raptor Center. …. And I spent an unplanned night in Atlanta,…

Or something like that. I went to SFWA’s Nebula Weekend in Chicago this past weekend. The turnout was a little less stellar than usual, but that didn’t stop NobleFusion from jumping right into the middle of everything. Attending from NobleFusion were me, Mike Higgins, Cathy Petrini, Barbara Hill, and Lawrence Schoen, as well as various familial units. We toured Argonne National Laboratory and FermiLab, where we witnessed particles being accelerated and antimatter being created. (While…