The kids arrived and settled in on Thursday. On Friday, I made a small grocery run and had a much-needed massage appointment. Today, we did the annual “how much food can we stuff into the station wagon” trip to the commissary at Fort Leavenworth. The pantry is indeed full. For now. This evening I walked into the living room to find the cat happily sprawled, belly down, on my recliner … on the heating pad…
Category: Uncategorized
I was a bad girl yesterday — I went shopping. The bad: now I know why they say not to drive for seven days post-op. My upper body and incisions are sore from shifting gears. Who’d a thunk it? The good: I found two queen-sized TemperPedic (“NASA Foam”) pillows at Cargo Largo for 1/3 of the normal retail price. SCORE! (mmmmm cushy gooshy yummy pillows mmmmm happy happy happy) Today, Mike’s kids arrive for their…
Next time I convalesce, I swear I’m gonna find a place where my freakin cell phone doesn’t work and the office can’t find me. Geez. 8:40 AM Monday. 7:43 AM Tuesday. I’m gonna have to go back to work just to get some sleep! Okay, so I’m the only person who knows how to operate the CD-burning robot, but surely SOMEONE else in an office of 50 people knows how to use the Fed Ex…
It’s official. They’re gonna yank my gallbladder out on Friday (6/17). Wish me luck.
No more procrastinating — the doc says my ugly little gallbladder has to come out. Not sure when yet. Now that it’s inevitable, I’d just as soon get it over with. Bleck. And here I was just getting used to the fat-free, dairy-free lifestyle. Still, gallbladder or no, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to choke down a plate of anything swimming in grease. Ever.