I’m heading out on another adventure. Tomorrow (Tuesday) I leave bright and early for Seattle and the National Federation of Press Women conference. If only I could have gotten there a few days earlier… the NASFIC in Seattle wrapped up today. (Sigh. I never get to do anything fun.) So I get to go to the boring conference instead of the fun one. Oh well. I do plan to sneak off for an afternoon at…
Category: Uncategorized
Sign of the times in Kansas City MO: – Price of gas at 3 p.m. Sunday, 8/28: $2.50 per gallon – Price of gas at 8 a.m. Friday, 9/2: $3.05 per gallon – Price of gas at three hours later, noon Friday, 9/2: $3.19 per gallon. Ack. That’s 69 cents in one week, folks. It ain’t pretty, and I don’t expect it to get better anytime soon.
The trip to Philly went well, and we truly enjoyed attending klingonguy‘s fabulous wedding. He and his lovely bride were both giddy in love and glowing throughout the event. Ah! The food! Marvelous! All of the NobleFusion Eastern Court were in attendance, and it was good to see them all. We especially enjoyed seeing Barb and her family — including the rottweiler who thinks he’s a pug, and the pug who thinks she’s a rottweiler.…
Saturday morning at o-dark-thirty, Mike and I embark on an adventure: we have a 6:20 a.m. flight to Philly. Our mission: To attend the wedding of klingonguy and his lovely bride. The event promises to be traditional, rather than Klingon. I suspect, however, he’ll manage to slip in a few Klingon toasts before the party is over. We’ll be staying with our friends Barb and Joe. They recently moved into a wonderful property in Bucks…
There is a work crew in our building this week installing pipes for a fire-suppression system (er, “sprinklers”). They are all very polite, and I’m sure they are very good at what they do. However, yesterday one of these hardworking individuals unplugged a server so he could plug in his drill. (Can you say “oops”? I knew you could.) Today, one of them did something else that rendered another server inoperable for the rest of…