I’ve returned from my visit to Mom’s house in West Virginia. As usual, the trip was filled with family drama and air travel trauma. I’m mostly recovered from both. The occasion: a dinner party celebrating Baby Sister’s marriage and introduce her new baby to the extended family. Since all of us sisters were there, we took the obligatory group photo — sans makeup and wearing these lovely matching t-shirts gifted to us by Second-Born. Back…
Category: Uncategorized
Curses! I think I’ve broken a toe. If not, I certainly managed to achieve a lovely shade of purple. I’ll spare ya’ll the pictures. (And the person who jinxed me at the picnic last Saturday shall remain nameless…)
Gah! I went out for a few minutes and returned to find a phone message from Delta about a schedule change for my flight next week. I called, expecting to hear that the flight had been cancelled. I slogged through the voice-activated menu to reach a real human — in India. Gah. He tells me, in a rapid, heavily accented voice, that my flight times have changed. After several frustrating minutes, I finally figure out…
Yikes. Quarter-sized hail. When the random “pink… pink…” became a rapid “thunk..thunk”, I dashed outside to move my car into the (detached) garage. Then I had to wait out the worst of it there before I could dash back into the house. These little beauties rolled in while I waited. Ain’t they purty?
One negative of my new job is my manager’s compulsion to rewrite copy that is presented to him for approval. On the current project, I based Draft 1 on the project scope document, and Draft 2 on his detailed outline. He wrote Draft 3 himself, keeping about 25% of my work and straying far afield from his own outline. He sent it back to me with vague instructions to “compare the messages” between the two…