Holey Hades, Batman! The bank sign at 85th and Wornall said the temp is 108 degrees this afternoon!?! …checks the news… Gads! Reported highs across the KC metro ranged from 101 to 107 today. Bleh! I picked a lousy day to have a fever…

If it’s hot enough to make me take note, then damn, it’s HOT! After all, I grew up in the South, and a typical summer day from June through mid-September was pretty much like Kansas City was today — hot and humid, temps around 100 degrees, heat index around 110. Reminds me of the good old days, when I was a poor college student without an air conditioner…

I think I’ve finally figured it out… With 20 years of experience in my chosen profession as a marketing writer, I can’t seem to get anything through the approval process with my department head without much pain, suffering, and pulling of hair. Today, I received a clue. In his world, everything is black or white, no two things can overlap or be a shade of gray, every action must come at its specified point in…

I’m slowly recovering from an upper respiratory infection, or so they tell me. With the meds suppressing my immune system, my symptoms were less of the stuffy-sneezy-wheezy sort, and more of the why-the-hell-do-my-joints-hurt-and-skin-itch? sort. Fun. Not. I’m mostly through a course of 875mg augmentin twice a day, and I feel much better. If past experience predicts future performance, I’ll be getting a refill or upgrade in about three weeks. I most likely picked up the…