With several major purchases looming in my future, my sweetie and I spent the weekend questing for information. First up: replace our cell phones. After nearly 7 years, the old Samsung 8500s are increasingly unreliable. Mine has trouble finding/keeping a signal. Mike’s battery won’t hold a charge. When we call each other, Sprint won’t connect us, thus cheating us out of those free phone-to-phone minutes. After much procrastinating and research we’ve finally settled on a…
Category: Uncategorized
Another terror plot, more airline security. I’m flying next week. This trip is gonna be a royal pain in the ass — not because I’ll be terribly inconvenienced by what I can’t carry on the plane, but because I’ll be terribly inconvenienced by the rabble who will a) not be prepared to comply and b) be pissy about having to comply with the new rules, both of which will make the lines at the security…
I’m in the middle of my late-summer, post-kids cleaning ritual. The kitchen is mostly done. I still need to scrub down the refrigerator shelves and toss some of the processed crap they had been eating. I tried to eat the yogurt. Really. But it had the consistency of glue, glistened like plastic, and contained four kinds of sweetener (sugar, fructose syrup, high fructose corn syrup AND corn syrup — what’s up with THAT?) and kosher…
Exxon Mobil is the world’s biggest oil company. It should come as no surprise that Exxon Mobil’s 2Q06 income was 36 percent higher than that of 2Q05, while also during 2Q06, U.S. retail gasoline prices were 30 percent higher than that of 2Q05. Exxon Mobil is the first U.S. company ever to exceed revenues of over 1 BILLION (with a B) Dollars PER DAY. It’s not just Exxon. The other oil companies posting financials are…
My antibiotic and caffeine do not play well together, collaborating to mimic ADHD. Who knew?!