May the holidays bring you many unexpected treats.

May the holidays bring you many unexpected treats.
First of all, I’ll say it again: My idea of Hell IS a cold day. Bah, humbug to your snow — all 6 to 8 inches of it — and the ice that fell last night. Thanksgiving went inexplicably well. No major drama, no major trauma, but a definite underlying tension. I come from a family of porcupines — all bristly and unable to get too close to each other for fear of getting poked…
… to my Mom’s for Thanksgiving. Wish me luck. We’ve had enough drama and trauma this year. Is a quiet Thanksgiving too much to ask for? Well, at least I’ll be upon all the current gossip. Later, turkey-eaters!
I’m afraid I’m a bad influence on Mayhem. I caught him drinking from my wine glass this evening. I shooed him away… but then he came back and begged for more. Naughty kitty. (For the record, it was Merlot.) Meanwhile, Mischief was down in the Man Cave playing cute with Sweetie while he worked on his laptop… until she stepped on the power button.
Sweetie informs me that Mischief has dismantled (note: DISMANTLED, not smashed) the Lego tableaux of Frodo at the Brandywine Dock that sits on the fireplace mantle in the Man Cave. (BTW, we checked. She does NOT have thumbs.) We’ve discovered Lego pieces under rugs and in laundry baskets. Sweetie caught Mischief in the act of fetching another piece of the Lego dock from the wreckage and stashing it under the Man Cave rug. The Nazgul,…