I’m taking watercolor lessons from a local artist. Since I’m the only student at the moment, I’m getting personalized attention. In our first session we covered color mixing and complementary colors on a standard split primary palette. Yesterday, I spent the day making paint swatches, looking up pigment properties, and mixing samples. Today, I selected the paints I’ll use in my palette, then painted spheres using color complements for shading.
Category: Uncategorized
Brrr…. welcome to the Ice Planet Hoth. I scraped a half inch of ice off my car earlier this evening so I won’t have to do it in the morning. Not only is it supposed to be incredibly, nastily, single-digit cold, it’s supposed to be windy. Argh. Grrr… Time Warner Cable downloaded it’s “new and improved” software to my digital cable box on Thursday. Since I use my ReplayTV interface instead of TWC’s, I wouldn’t…
Another New Year’s Eve, another year gone. All in all, I’m not doing so bad. I’ve got a sweetie. I’ve got cats. I’ve got friends. I’ve got a job. Not bad. Not bad at all. I really should eat more vegetables in 2007, and I really should exercise more. I should cut back on shopping for sport and spend more time decluttering my life and making more art. And I should make more of an…
Today I started a new blog for my art. I’m not committing to anything crazy, like those “a painting a day” folks do, but I hope to post something new there at least once a week. My next big art goal is to have a fabulous new display ready for NASFIC in August 2007, and new prints for my artist alley table there. To make that happen, I have to start now and work at…
May the holidays bring you many unexpected treats.