“Okay, Sis. Here’s the plan. I’ll turn the knob and you throw yourself against the door. Why? Because I’m taller and you’re fatter, that’s why. Remember, we’ve got to work fast. Once we get the door open, you head for the closet and I’ll jump onto the table and lick the paints. She can’t possibly catch us both. If we work together, this plan Just Might Work!”

I’m taking watercolor lessons from a local artist. Since I’m the only student at the moment, I’m getting personalized attention. In our first session we covered color mixing and complementary colors on a standard split primary palette. Yesterday, I spent the day making paint swatches, looking up pigment properties, and mixing samples. Today, I selected the paints I’ll use in my palette, then painted spheres using color complements for shading.

Brrr…. welcome to the Ice Planet Hoth. I scraped a half inch of ice off my car earlier this evening so I won’t have to do it in the morning. Not only is it supposed to be incredibly, nastily, single-digit cold, it’s supposed to be windy. Argh. Grrr… Time Warner Cable downloaded it’s “new and improved” software to my digital cable box on Thursday. Since I use my ReplayTV interface instead of TWC’s, I wouldn’t…

Another New Year’s Eve, another year gone. All in all, I’m not doing so bad. I’ve got a sweetie. I’ve got cats. I’ve got friends. I’ve got a job. Not bad. Not bad at all. I really should eat more vegetables in 2007, and I really should exercise more. I should cut back on shopping for sport and spend more time decluttering my life and making more art. And I should make more of an…

Today I started a new blog for my art. I’m not committing to anything crazy, like those “a painting a day” folks do, but I hope to post something new there at least once a week. My next big art goal is to have a fabulous new display ready for NASFIC in August 2007, and new prints for my artist alley table there. To make that happen, I have to start now and work at…