I’m back from the NFPW conference in Richmond Va. Next year: Idaho Falls. I’ve never been to that part of the country. I think I might go early or stay after to do some sightseeing. Still under the weather, but have a followup with my doc tomorrow. One thing about this illness (or perhaps the medication) that is seriously bugging me is food. Nothing sounds good, looks good, or smells good. In fact, I’ve eaten…

Despite the annoying little hitchhikers living in my kidney, I’m heading out of town tomorrow for five days. I’ll be at the National Federation of Press Women‘s annual conference in Richmond VA. One of my oldest and dearest friends (and fellow LJ’r) petrini1 will be there, along with another dear friend of ours. We’ve been wreaking havoc at these conferences together since 1993… and we’re gonna do it again! It’ll be fun! Later, ya’ll.

So the doc called this afternoon with my lab results from Wednesday… and told me to high-tail it to the ER. Abdominal pain and a high white cell count — she’s thinking appendicitis. Great. Just Great. So… I went. For future reference, let me just say that if you’re dehydrated and you have small, highly mobile veins, do not under any circumstance let the student nurse try to insert the IV. Trust me on this.…

Waking up with chills and 103 degree fever is NOT my idea of a good start to the day. But I’m feeling much better, now that the pharmaceuticals have kicked in… But over all, what a waste of a perfectly good PTO day…