Woke up this morning with my right eye swollen, red, and definitely Not Happy. Went straight to the urgent care clinic attached to my doctor’s office. (The upside: they have access to my complete medical records). The doc of the day took a quick look and suggested that perhaps it was just an allergic reaction … at which point I suggested that he take a few minutes to browse the inch-thick medical file he was…

Where have the last two weeks gone? The Work Life: The company I work for has a big honkin’ booth at Oracle OpenWorld, which starts Sunday. Let’s just say us marketing peeps have been busy. Really busy. This week alone, I’ve churned out several thousand words in the form of a client success story, a “we love Oracle, Oracle loves us” press release, and a product launch package consisting of a press release, product literature,…

This journal isn’t exactly a daily record of my life. I check in on my friends’ pages regularly, I just don’t always get around to posting about my own life. So, to catch up…this previous weekend was busy: Playin’ Dress Up: On Saturday evening, my sweetie took me to Cerner’s charity gala, a black tie event. It was lovely! I haven’t dressed up in years, even though I used to have a reputation for being…

The Trouble Twins are eating us out of house and home. Mayhem has definitely had a growth spurt and is bulking out like a good little tomcat. Mischief seems to be burning off her meals with constant, frantic, chase-everthing-that-moves behavior. I’m going to have to get bigger bowls…. and maybe a line of credit to support the kibble fund….