Hunkered down and waiting out the ice storm. The rain had been fairly heavy and steady for the past few hours. The temp is staying around 30 degrees, but the icicles are forming on the trees and roofline. Dang fool neighbor has a lighted, inflatable snowman out on the lawn, but weight of the ice received so far has it smushed in pretty bad. He should just turn it off. I’ll be working from home…

I’m currently experiencing an arthritis flare-up, but that’s not terribly unusual given the time of year and the weather. It became apparent on Wednesday evening that my left foot wasn’t happy — swollen and tender, with the big toe completely unwilling to bend. Kinda makes it hard to walk, ya know? I suspect the stumble I took in yoga earlier in the week triggered the flare. The doc Rx’d a short course of Prednisone, which…

Ooops… Yesterday, I forgot to mention Tick Hill by Billy Eakin in my list of books from Yard Dog Press. You should totally buy that one, too, not just because I did the cover, but because it’s a darn good time. But don’t just take my word for it: The Denver Post said, “Billy Eakin’s rollicking B-movie gross-out tale of killer insects is a lot of fun. … Tick Hill is grotesque and raunchy in…

As most of you know, Yard Dog Press has published some of my art and my writing. And, as most of you know, the Yard Doggies are a great bunch of talented folks who write downright entertaining stories. It’s Christmas, folks, and I want you to Buy My Book(s) (and those of my fellow Yard Doggies) for those special readers in your life. And if you plan to buy a Yard Dog Press book, I’d…

Tomorrow I’m off to West Virgina for Thanksgiving with the family. I hate flying around the holidays. Why? Because that’s when the amateurs fly. With their kids. And their baggage. Ack. I’m packing to travel with carry-on baggage only. Let me just say for the record that the TSA’s rules for carry-on liquids make No Damn Sense. The 3oz container size restriction I can live with. Having to ferret out all of my itty bitty…