There is hope after all. The weekend temperatures were in the 50s, the sun was shining, and I got out of the house. Yay! My pantry is stocked, my car is clean, and I have a whole new batch of pretty paper to play with. (I’ve been making handmade cards for years, but I’m learning a few new tricks to dress them up a bit.) I’ve also spiffed up my Myspace page. I’ve had it…

According to the local media, the average low temperature in Kansas City in the last week was less than 6 degrees Fahrenheit. I’m not entirely sure the average high ever got above freezing. Currently, it’s almost noon, it’s 9 degrees and “fair”, according to the weather widget. In my opinion, 9 degrees is anything but fair. Mischief, with her thin silky coat, is having a bad hair month. Mayhem has thicker fur, but he gets…

We’re still in the deep freeze, and I’m still convinced we’ll never ever thaw. The 10-day forecast looks bleak. And cold. Very very cold. And the stock market doesn’t look so good, either. Meanwhile… Now that I’ve owned it for a year, I’ve finally pointed my domain to my Etsy shop. I’ve started taking a second yoga class every week. This is a big step for me, but it should do me some good.…

Wow. The first week of 2008 has zipped past in a flash. I never got around to writing up my 2007 year in review, my 2008 resolutions, or the lame “sorry I haven’t kept in touch” email I send every year to old acquaintances to see if their email addresses are still active. I owe a long email to my cousin H., and several short emails to other friends. I haven’t called my mom this…

So, when the cat climbs the Christmas tree, what does my family do? We take advantage of the photo opp until the cat is so thoroughly embarrassed by her predicament that she pleads for extraction. Alas, we must now retire the old tree. Last year, she was a mere kitten and nested comfortably on that spot. But at 12 pounds, she has broken the hinge on those branches. Next year — new tree! BTW, the…