I have several DaVinci colors on my pallet. After I squeezed them out of the tube, they never “settled in”, but stayed in little piles in the corner. When they dry, they pop out of the wells and rattle around when I move the pallet. When I spritz them, they take a long time to “melt”. On the other hand, I have two Van Gogh colors on the same pallet that settled in nicely, stay…

Wow. I decided it was time to renew my U.S. Passport. I’m not planning any trips at the moment, but it still had me pictured as a perky 16-year-old, and it expired not too long thereafter. I filed the paperwork on Feb. 29. It was processed on March 7. I received it today. Count ’em — 10 days. This time last year, it would have taken months to process. At any rate, it’s good to…

Perhaps the one clear message I remember from my college economics class was the concept of “opportunity costs” — for every penny you spend on something, you sacrific the opportunity to spend that penny on something else. From an Op-Ed piece in the New York Times: “…the money spent on the war each day is enough to enroll an additional 58,000 children in Head Start for a year, or make a year of college affordable…

In honor on a 70-degree March 1, I indulged my craving for Spring food: fresh asparagus and eggs poached in chicken broth, topped with Old Bay, sea salt, and five kinds of shredded Italian cheese. Yum. I also took the accumulated glass to the recycling center and washed the car. Both were way past due.