crap. attempted to do something seemly simple in yoga last night, but apparently irritated a nerve in my left hand. i am not amused. and btw, if you haven’t noticed, i use the shift button under the left pinkie….

crap. attempted to do something seemly simple in yoga last night, but apparently irritated a nerve in my left hand. i am not amused. and btw, if you haven’t noticed, i use the shift button under the left pinkie….
In my day job I’m a marketing writer for a technology company. For the past 5 months, I’ve spent most of my work time writing copy for our new (as yet unlaunched) website. This morning the web team had a lengthy and informative meeting with our top exec. He wants to see extensive changes to our approach….. …. Meanwhile, down the hall, in the OTHER meeting I was doublebooked for….. We received word from one…
Today I have been plagued by telephone sales people who either 1) are working without a script and can’t remember why they called, 2) are working with a poorly written script and are reading it badly, or 3) are feeling terribly chatty because they really, really don’t want to be reading from their script. Why me?
I experienced rush hour three times this morning — 1) drove Sweetie from home to the airport, 2) raced from the airport to home to retrieve critical paperwork sweetie forgot, 3) raced back toward the airport, ran out of time at about the same time I reached the downtown loop, then detoured south to work in Overland Park. Sigh. UPS Next Day Air is my friend. And Sweetie owes me dinner when he gets back.…