Heading down to Oklahoma City for SoonerCon this weekend. Buy my art in the show. Buy my books at the Yard Dog Press table.

Heading down to Oklahoma City for SoonerCon this weekend. Buy my art in the show. Buy my books at the Yard Dog Press table.
Last night, the elderly gentleman ahead of me at the grocery checkout was trying to buy $6 worth of groceries with $3 and change. The first item he nixed was the loaf of white bread. The second item he nixed was the dozen eggs. As he was considering whether or not to nix the package of American cheese, I told the cashier to put it all back in his bag and I would pay for…
What I learned today doing research into the proper care and feeding of trademarks, from http://www.taser.com/legal/pages/trademarks.aspx: ” “TASER” is one of several trademarks of TASER International, Inc. … TASER is also an acronym for “Thomas A. Swift’s Electric Rifle.” ” Gee whiz!
I’ve added a mailing list link over there on the upper right side of the page. If you want to be notified of my upcoming art shows, promotions, or cool new stuff in my ETSY shop, sign up! I don’t intend to spam anyone. It will be a low-volume thing and I will protect my subscribers’ privacy.
Time flies! Wow! The good news about my last post is that the paints finally dried out enough to use, but they still moisten quickly and stay moist longer. Yay! Meanwhile, I’ve just finished my first big science fiction artshow of the year – ConQuesT, held Memorial Day weekend here in Kansas City. I hung about 40 pieces, mostly originals, with a stack of prints, notecards, and bookmarks in the print shop. I sold enough…