The yard bunnies were frockling merrily on the lawn this evening, and the cats were frustratingly entranced by their dance… until Mr. PowerTool cranked up his #$%^&* lawnmower. Sigh…. I’m so glad his house is on the market…

The yard bunnies were frockling merrily on the lawn this evening, and the cats were frustratingly entranced by their dance… until Mr. PowerTool cranked up his #$%^&* lawnmower. Sigh…. I’m so glad his house is on the market…
Screen grab from Google News:
HobLob… the store for crafters who aren’t good with math… My options: a 4-pack for 99 cents, or an 8-pack for $2.49. You do the math. (And yes, I bought two 4-packs.)
SoonerCon as a blast! I had fun, met several YardDogs I didn’t already know, and sold some art. I’m still a little fatigued, but I had a great time! I drove down and back with only Tylenol and a heated seat for comfort, but conbarbie kept me alert and entertained. With a skull and crossbones magnet affixed to the trunk lid and caffeinated frosty beverages in the cupholders, we sailed down 71 Hwy at top…
Detour … spent the evening in the St. Luke’s ER… that hot flaming poker I feel drilling into my back is apparently an inflamed rib. Joy. At least it’s not the kidney, as I feared. I’ve got a little bottle of vicodin, and an Rx for percoset standing by if the first narcotic doesn’t do the job. The docs kept wanting to Rx a muscle relaxant and an anti-inflammatory to go with it, but those are already part of my…