To compensate for my current lack of coffee, I’ve been drinking iced tea. I’ve tried various methods and formulas for making iced tea, ranging from one bag, one cup at a time to a full-blown, over-sweetened vat of the family recipe. I haven’t been satisfied with the home-brewed results, so I’ve been stopping at the Quik Trip for my morning iced tea fix.  Which leads me to the point of this post. Over the weekend, I…

I just took a little looksee at airfare for my annual Thanksgiving trip to Mom’s. Even with a Tuesday/Saturday travel schedule, the rates from KC to Pittsburg start at $400 and skyrocket from there. Add to that the cost of car rental and the gas for the 3-hour drive down to WVa and back… Crap.  At this point, it looks like it would be cheaper to drive.

I’m back from St. Louis. I swear the drive gets longer every time I go there. Perhaps this time it was because I did most of the driving in both directions so my poor Sweetie could nap. I managed to shop my way through the weekend without buying anything wearable, except two buttons at the ArtMart: “I like poetry, long walks on the beach, and poking dead things with a stick.” and “Just Plain Evil…

It has come to my attention that my home phone only works when it wants to. Apparently, we can call out and carry on lengthy conversations, but calling in is another matter. Sometimes it rings once and disconnects. Sometimes it gives the caller a “this number is no longer in service” message. Sometimes, it connects just fine. Go fig. Our communications provider says it’s not their equipment causing the problem, and that it must be…

Recently, I commented in someone’s journal (probablydragonet2 or bevhale) that I was so glad the Trouble Twins don’t hide recently deceased critters in the basement the way they hide their toys down there. I spoke too soon. Apparently, one or both of my little monsters acquired a mouse today, unfortunately for the mouse. Fortunately for me (actually, for my Sweetie, who discovered and disposed of the evidence), the mouse was intact and only recently deceased.…