Conestoga was great! I had a blast and sold a piece or two of art, but somehow I neglected to retrieve my printshop items. The good artshow folks will be mailing them to me, so all is not lost. It was great to see all the YardDog folks, including conbarbie    shadowhelm selina_rosen writertracy ravenchilde_art meltatum bevhale tapestry01 ozarkpress hoosier_red wbledbetter and a few Doggies who may or may not be on LJ. On Wednesday, we…

From the New York Times “Exxon Mobil, the world’s largest publicly traded oil company, reported on Thursday that second-quarter income rose 14 percent, to $11.68 billion, the highest-ever for an American company. … With this quarter’s result, Exxon topped its own record of $11.66 billion in the fourth quarter of last year.”

I’ve been practicing Anusara and Iyengar yoga for over a decade, but I still limp out of my weekly class feeling like roadkill. Yet, when I don’t go to class, I get stiff and uncomfortable. That’s why exercise is prescribed for my type of inflammatory arthritis — you’ve got to use it or lose it.   Last night, I stubbornly crossed that line between just enough and too much. Today, I’m still feeling it.  Perhaps it…

 A quickie update and ad hoc to-do list… Saw “Hellboy II” and “The Dark Knight Returns” this past weekend; thumbs up on both. Especially enjoyed “Hellboy” for the visuals; Del Toro is one crazy dude. Caught all three acts of Whedon’s “Dr. Horrible”. Fun fun fun! My new boss started this week; work is very busy. Getting ready for Conestoga this weekend; need to select art to hang in the show and comply with (excessively…

The headlines are doom and gloom today, with gas and food prices driving retail prices up 5% annually in June, the biggest 12-month change since May 1991.  I also decided to analyze my checkbook data from the first half of the year. Food – Total expenditures have been holding steady, but I now buy less meat, less milk, and fewer fresh veggies. I don’t shop at Whole Foods anymore, and I now eat breakfast and lunch…