Wed, 18:38: May the Fourth be with you! Wishing you all a very rebellious Star Wars Day!
Category: SF Stuff
Tue, 22:00: Yay! Bradley Denton’s Buddy Holly is Alive and Well is gonna be a movie! He’s one of ConQuesT’s favorite guests.
Wed, 22:09: RT @neiltyson: For some people, space is irrelevant. But when the asteroid comes, I bet they’ll think differently.
Wed, 10:16: So, Borders is admitting failure and filed for bankruptcy.. Sad, but inevitable.
Thu, 17:30: Gift idea: Buffalito Destiny by my friend Lawrence Schoen, with cover by my friend Rachael Mayo, Hadley Rille Books: Thu, 18:30: Gift Idea: Four Redheads of the Apocalypse and Four Redheads: Apocalypse Now! from Yard Dog Press Thu, 21:39: RT @DavidBrin1: Microbes thrive on arsenic, substituting it for phosphorus – a key element of life Thu, 21:41: RT @neiltyson: Hi radiation, hi temp, hi pressure, hi acid, & arsenic…