Are you toiling in the fields of an over-used plot device? Charlie Jane Anders asked a number of editors about what plot elements have been done-to-death in the short story market. If you think the slush pile might be oversaturated with zombies, parallel universes, and retold fairy tales, you’re not wrong. Give it a read.
Category: SF Stuff
Another SoonerCon is over and done, and a fabulous time was had. Of all the conventions I attend each year, SoonerCon is my favorite. Big thanks and a shout-out to Leonard Bishop, Matthew Alfred, Aislinn Burrows, Jerry Wall, Kimber Chessmore, and the entire concom team for all their hard work. Thanks and hugs go out to them as well for making me and the rest of the Yard Dog Press pack of feral chihuahuas feel…
Sun, 21:53: Ustream cut Hugo Awards feed “due to copyright violation”. You done messed with the wrong nerds, Ustream! Sun, 22:06: RT @DavidEsmale: @Ustream just nominated itself for online-service-I-will-NEVER-use-EVER. #hugos #worldcon #ustreamfail
Wed, 08:17: Via @nprbooks: Your Picks: Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books |
Fri, 13:06: #FF Follow @conquestkc on Twitter for news about ConQuesT 42 – Memorial Day Weekend – Kansas City MO Fri, 19:23: Thor in 3D starting in 3…2…1…