The cat is sick again. The poor little pooper experienced several difficulties and personal indignities during her week boarding at the vet. Now she’s back on antibiotics for a bladder infection and she won’t eat. If no food, then no insulin. She’s even turning up her nose at her special yummy treats. And she’s mad that I’m keeping her confined to an area that is easy to clean….
Category: Cats
We gave the cat a bath yesterday. And shaved her belly. No injuries were incurred. I think she enjoyed the blow dryer.
The Fuzzy White Queen of the Universe AKA Furbeast, Flufferoo, and Pooper, had a REALLY BAD DAY. She was – shoved in a box – introduced to kittens – weighed – fondled by strangers – had a thermometer inserted you know where – had vaccine squirted up her nose – had two vaccines injected in her butt – had blood drawn – ordered to submit to subQ fluids more frequently – shoved back into a…